The pic above I took of the sunset tonight. It was truly one of the best I have seen down here. It went from a true vanilla sky into a fiery red, just freaking awe inspiring. The pic does it no justice.
Happy Thanksgiving. As you can see from the pic taken just before sunset tonight, I had a rough day. Not much to tell you about from the last week. I've gotten the majority of the work done that was on my list, save for a few things that I'm waiting on parts for. According to my pals at the boat shop the parts I need are being shipped in the next container due the first week of next month, I'm not holding my breath. The anchorage here is starting to fill up with boats. The cruisers who went home for the summer are starting to arrive and each day the boat yard drops several boats back in the water. The cruising season has started. Most of these people haul their boats sometime between May and June and go back to their respective countries to work or visit family and basically just wait out the hurricane season. It has provided a little entertainment as I have been watching several boats come directly from the launch out here looking to anchor up and some of the couples get at each other. They yell at each other for all kinds of reasons, mostly because certain things aren't working on the boat and they didn't bother to fix them in the yard, they just flew in and splash, back in the drink they go. Then they get out here and the windlass won't work, they can't get the anchor to set, engine trouble, or my favorite, I recently watched from the comfort of my hammock as a couple from the UK blasted into each other because the little headset/microphone setup they use to communicate while anchoring apparently wasn't working but neither of them could hear the other one shouting because they didn't bother taking the headsets off. Funny shit when it isn't happening to me.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. The cruisers put on a nice pot luck over at the Tiki Bar today to celebrate Caribbean style. It was a nice setup though I didn't stay long. I have been content lounging around the boat, swinging in the hammock reading all day. The weather has been perfect with just enough cloud cover to keep it from being brutally hot and a fresh breeze blowing all day. The last few days (prior to today) on anchor I haven't left the boat, haven't even got into the dinghy, it's just been so peaceful. Although Fabian is back from St Vincent and the Grenadines and it's never quiet for long with him around.
He had six people on his boat doing a two week dive charter and they left almost two weeks ago to head up to St Vincent and start sailing back, stopping at several islands to dive and explore so I haven't seen him until today. I guess my jail time has made me somewhat of a legend in our little circle so he stopped by to give me shit and earfuck me as usual about being a dumb ass American. But it turns out during his charter he had some bad luck as well. I guess while they were visiting the island of Bequia (Beck-way, don't ask me but it's how they say it around here) two of his guests, a man and woman went into town to get dinner. On their way back they were assaulted by some local punks. The man's wallet was taken and the poor woman got smacked in the head with a rock. From what Fabian told me, the Coast Guard there in Bequia would not take her to the hospital in St Vincent until 6 AM (I guess it was around 1 when this happened) so they were forced to take his boat back to St Vincent (an hour and a half trip). From there the woman was transferred by plane to the hospital here in Grenada and he said that she is still there under observation. Fabio also said that there have been a few attacks recently reported there in Bequia. Don't know what is going on there but when Brian and I visited, it seemed like a pretty chill place. Anyway, sounds like she will be alright but it sucks hearing about that kind of thing happening.
Again, Happy Turkey Day and to my family and friends, hope you had a good one today, miss all of you.
"Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow."
Mark Twain
"Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow."
Mark Twain