I'm Shane. For those of you who don't already know me welcome to the Chaos that is my life. Join me as I travel around the world on a sailboat. I walked away from a great career as a professional firefighter, a large luxurious home, everything I owned and even gave away my best friend Drake the dog. Why you ask? To travel the world on a boat. Cruising to foreign places all at 5 mph. From the Caribbean now to South America soon, I hope you will dig reading about all the ridiculous situations I will no doubt get myself into as I continue trying to adjust to this radical life switch.

*Update* So after over a year of not blogging I'm going to start again. I am spending the summer season on Catalina Island of the coast of California living onboard a 65 foot diveboat and teaching diving. I'm sure there will be plenty of chaos to follow.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Cruising the U.S. and British Virgin Islands...

Not a lot of time to write at the moment. I'm in Tortola which is an island in the British Virgin Islands. We have been cruising for the last few days with the girls. We anchored in St John Thursday, Jost Van Dyke yesterday and now we are in lovely little Road Town, the capital of the British Virgin Islands located here in Tortola. I'm running around trying to track down a few parts we need for the windlass and so far have been unsuccessful. Everyone here is definitely on island time. There have been quite a few funny things lately and when I have more time and a better internet connection. I posted a few pics from St Thomas and a few I took in Jost Van Dyke, a very cool island in the BVI's. There is a really famous bar there called Foxy's and I got one of the Fresno Fire on duty shirts hung up above the bar, see the pics. I even signed the names from my Truck crew from 3's so relax boys, we made it to Foxy's. Hope everyone is good. Look for the update sometime early in the week as we will be back in St Thomas picking up some parts and provisioning for our run down the Leeward Islands.

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