I'm Shane. For those of you who don't already know me welcome to the Chaos that is my life. Join me as I travel around the world on a sailboat. I walked away from a great career as a professional firefighter, a large luxurious home, everything I owned and even gave away my best friend Drake the dog. Why you ask? To travel the world on a boat. Cruising to foreign places all at 5 mph. From the Caribbean now to South America soon, I hope you will dig reading about all the ridiculous situations I will no doubt get myself into as I continue trying to adjust to this radical life switch.

*Update* So after over a year of not blogging I'm going to start again. I am spending the summer season on Catalina Island of the coast of California living onboard a 65 foot diveboat and teaching diving. I'm sure there will be plenty of chaos to follow.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Where we are...

Click this link http://www.google.co.vi/imgres?imgurl=http://www.caribpro.com/Caribbean_Map/!Caribbean_MAP.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.caribpro.com/Caribbean_Map/Caribbean_Map.html&h=116&w=139&sz=159&tbnid=5alOBYkrIWIJ:&tbnh=116&tbnw=139&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=1&ct=image&cd=1

to see where we are. Look to the east of Puerto Rico. The Virgin islands of the U.S. If you want to see closer images of these islands just google U.S. Virgin Island maps and St Thomas is the biggest one. Look to the south for Charlotte Amalie, right in the middle.

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